About the funding programme
With the Federal Fund for Industry and Climate Action (Bundesförderung Industrie und Klimaschutz, BIK), the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (German abbreviation: BMWK) is supporting climate-friendly investment plus research, development and innovation projects in manufacturing. The funding programme is making a significant contribution to achieving both national and European climate goals in the manufacturing sector, while accelerating production ramp-up for the necessary transformational technologies in Germany. Decarbonisation is closely associated with the storage and usage of CO2. Accordingly, these topics are therefore implemented as two funding modules with a shared funding directive. This funding directive aims to save 40 million tonnes of CO2-equivalent by 2045.
Funding is available for two types of project:
- Decarbonisation of industry, including applied research and development (Module 1)
- Application and implementation of CCU and CCS, including applied research and development (Module 2).
Funding agency for Module 2
The designated funding agency administrating the funding on behalf of the ministry is Projektträger Jülich – PtJ. Further information on the content and application process for Module 2 will soon be available here on the website.
About Module 2: Funding of CCU/CCS
In Module 2: Funding for CCU/CCS, projects in industry and the waste management sector regarding the implementation of Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) are funded insofar as they involve emissions that are difficult to avoid. Funding is only provided if the project is in line with at least one objective or recommendation for action of the German government's Carbon Management Strategy and the legal requirements for the implementation of the respective CCS or CCU process chain are met. The most important criterion for funding is funding efficiency, i.e. the ratio of tonnes of CO2 saved by 2035 to the funding amount budgeted for the project.